You can think of it as reverse salad dressing.
— Aviv Regev, "Aspen Lecture: An Atlas of Human Cells"
Every single molecule in a cell bumps into every single other molecule every second.
— Gael McGill, "The Power of Visual Media in Scientific Thinking & Communication with Gael McGill," OpenScholar Science is Beautiful Speaker Series
That we not hide behind the mockeries of separations that have been imposed upon us and which so often we accept as our own. For instance, "I can't possibly teach Black women's writing - their experience is so different from mine." Yet how many years have you spent teaching Plato and Shakespeare and Proust?
— Audre Lorde, "The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action," Sister Outsider
And I got annoyed because she got old by the time she was good at it.
— Lily on when she had her Sims character learning the music skill
Water Pennies
— J. Reese Voshell Jr, Freshwater Invertebrates*
In the tantalizing examples of Britain and the United States, classical liberal orders were institutionalized long before the dawn of mass politics.
— Stephen Kotkin, Stalin: Volume 1: Paradoxes of Power
Every building is a building for ants.
— @dank.lloyd.wright
What we designate modernity was not something natural or automatic. It involved a set of difficult-to-attain attributes—mass production, mass culture, mass politics—that the greatest powers mustered. Those states, in turn, forced other countries to attain modernity as well, or suffer the consequences, inlcuding defeat in war and possible colonial conquest.
— Stephen Kotkin, Stalin: Volume 1: Paradoxes of Power
We can't confuse something that's universal with something that's natural.
— Ed Hundert on Müller-Lyer illusion and Zulus
"When a mouse observes," Einstein asked them, "does that change the state of the universe?"
— Walter Isaacson, Einstein
I was surprised at the gesture, hokey or not, at the mass participation in it. Most of all, I was surprised at my response to it; I felt genuinely welcomed.
— Audre Lorde, "Notes from a Trip to Russia," Sister Outsider
Liked each other, understood each other, and perhaps more important (for she, too, was actualy quite clever in her own way) were amused by each other.
— Walter Isaacson, Einstein
Currently eating hen house donuts, turkey bacon and straberries cut in half.
— David in a text to "Ben's Basement"
Wow, let's make a book with stuff that could feed people suffering from hunger and that's made of cadavers. That's gonna be so culturally valuable.
The basic ideas of atypical material I am like : why not. But come on making books with materials which required killing animals and which were there to feed ppl... Please. Life has stakes.
I really don't buy into this sorry.
— Unicorns United!, YouTube comment on "Make a Book with Meat (or other atypical materials) ft. Ben Denzer," The Art Assignment

One reason that Einstein... became such an icon was because he looked the part and because he could, and would, play the role.
— Walter Isaacson, Einstein
Years later, when his younger son, Eduard, asked why he was so famous, Einstein replied by using a simple image to describe his great insight that gravity was the curving of the fabric of spacetime. "When a blind beetle crawls over the surface of a curved branch, it doesn't notice that the track it has covered is indeed curved," he said. "I was lucky enough to notice what the beetle didn't notice."
— Walter Isaacson, Einstein
It's so funny to hear you say "bookmaking" because I grew up with that term.
— Sid
Herbert Bayer, died the year I was born.
— Sara Cwynar, "Modern Art in your Life Part 1," MoMA
His lectures tended to be regarded as disorganized until his celebrity ensured that every stumble he made was transformed into a charming anecdote.
— Walter Isaacson, Einstein
By the way, in passing, it is interesting to note that all results essentially dependent on the fusion of subject and object have been limitative results.
— Douglas Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach