"Ask a toad what is beauty... He will answer that it is a female with two great round eyes coming out of her little head, a large flat mouth, a yellow belly and a brown back." (Voltaire, Philosophical Dictionary, 1794).
— Steven Heller, "Cult of the Ugly"
— Overlaid text on image of Fallingwater's beam curved around a tree
I'd like to have some fun in life.
— William Barr responding to Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse's "You might want to get out of that habit... you may have other things to look at," on doing legal citations, "Attorney General Confirmation Hearing," C-SPAN
Addington often said there was no point sacrificing presidental power for "public relations," because critics would find something else to complain about.
— Barton Gellman, Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency
He doesn't play video games.
— Woman on her son who has made the models at Jan's Hobby Shop since he was 5
The World's Largest Illuminated Light Peg Mural
— Item description at Hammacher Schlemmer
Cheney had the savvy to call a halt to operations at the government printing office, not many aids would have thought of it. Cheney knew regulations have no legal force until they are published in the Federal Register. Some of Clinton's orders, signed in his closing hours as president, never made it.
— Barton Gellman, Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency
No amount of money can get you a better Coke.
— Andy Warhol via @whitneymuseum
venmo me $5 and i will comment "worm woman" on any photo you choose
— @scariest_bug_ever
It's very hard to describe something and get someone into it.
— Sid on the difficulty of description and the ease of images
@pulitzerprizes liked your post.
— Instagram notification
What do you think I'm made out of feet?
— Lily
Heard it was missing, so I looked into it.
— Tony Lip on Joey Loscudo's hat, Green Book
In retrospect, she felt he'd used poetry as a launching pad. "Part of the reason poetry gets sneered at as a form so often is because it's where so many people began," she says.
— Cynthia Carr, Fire in the Belly: The Life and Times of David Wojnarowicz, on Eileen Myles
Wolves are wolves.
— Randy Newberg, "The Wolves of Yellowstone," 60 Minutes
That's the problem with hanging around an older crowd.
— Sid the [90 year old] kid
It's unvelievable what humans can do.
— Lyft driver on people waiting almost 24 hours to watch the Times Square ball drop
I took the slow pony to the rubber forest.
— Danny
My med school dean said if you're not five minutes early, you're late.
— Kathleen on why she sets her car clock five minutes early and why she arrives early to everything inlcuding social gatherings
I didn't do this since I was two.
— Mason on pushing the plastic bubbles down on the lid of a to-go cup