Crows are just people too.
— Lily
Your order had been successfully processed.
That’s the quote of the day right there! ‘Love doesn’t have a time zone.’
— Akshay
I had better explain right now about Walt Scowden because what he said to me today will have a constant echo in my future.
— Sid in 1946 inscription in Regulations: Valley Forge Military Academy
Art education is all to get to the point where people think/believe you are being intentional.
— Notebook [17] 2/22/15 - 11/2/15
That was a real journey.
— Lily on The Intern
Are you ready to order?
— She
I just want to grab my life by the balls and do what I want.
— Lily
Come up with a good idea and retire early.
— Dom (screenprinting)
I could be like a pine cone burned open and replanted in this scary and terrible world.
— Lily
Wildlife doesn’t exist by accident anymore.
— Corey Knowlton, “The Rhino Hunter,” Radiolab
University press feel.
— Helen
There are fifty states; what are the chances?
— Henry
You had bongos in like 45 seconds. 45 seconds or your money back.
— Jamo
I’m my grandma’s number one grandson.
— Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, “Make the Money”
Come in, she said.
I’ll give ya shelter from the storm.
— Bill Murray singing with Bob Dylan, St. Vincent
— Donald Trump, CNN Debate “ROUND 2: THE GLOVES ARE OFF”
And in the series of degressive generalizations I gave you, we were contracting, contracting, contracting and ever more orderly, so I say then the human mind seems to be demonstrated in our experience as the most powerful antientropic patterns operative in the universe.
— R. Buckminster Fuller, World Man
Invention is something you have to do by yourself.
— R. Buckminster Fuller, World Man
It’s human.
— Mira