He died doing what he loved. Always gotta remember that.
— Lily on a dead moth
Teenagers huh?
— Lily on plants in her way
We've had enough time on this to choke a horse.
— Orrin Hatch
A second front door.
— Christine Blasey Ford, Senate Judiciary Committee
So the way I would get in his parties is I would show up with a camera, like, "yo Puff, you need to document, document this shit."
— Jamie Foxx, "Joe Rogan Experience #990 - Jamie Foxx"
And that's one of my fantasies, pick up all the uneaten french fries and sell them.
— Sid
This big painting made entirely from dead flies.
— @damienhirst
It's like book fair blue balls.
— David on people looking at stoop junk for sale after fire alarm kicked everyone out of PS1
Yea, why not.
— David on if he likes a building
Dining with the devil requires more than a long spoon.
— Manning Marable, Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention
You realize a knife should be a thing.
— Guy Ritchie, "Joe Rogan Experience #956 - Guy Ritchie"
But part of Malcolm always believed that even negative publicity was better than none at all.
— Manning Marable, Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention
Could not create a JPEG that met your limit of 1500K bites. Please increase the file size limit. (1)
— Lightroom
I decided a long time ago that chicken was the same as fruits and vegetables.
— Lily on veganism
I love wings on a square plate.
— Lily
Scene two.
— Lily telling David which lighting preset to press
Two Tylenol and one Aleve.
— Henry
If I had some direction or some book to go by it would be ok, but I don't.
— Man on subway
@kevincarlbergquist haha I did very little too except a screenshot and a xerox machine
— @braulioamado
It would be smoother than any cue ball ever machined.
— Neil deGrasse Tyson, "Joe Rogan Experience #1159 - Neil deGrasse Tyson"